Feature Requests

"Time Sensitive" Flag
Hello Japan Rabbit, I would like a series of CHECKBOX flags to the order process. The CHECKBOX flags would be for items in which have the potential to be sold out if Japan Rabbit's purchases do not purchase the item in a timely manner. The simple fact is that some purchases (especially those in the field of geeky stuff) are limited stock or timed exclusives. For example: I have ordered an item off of Premium Bandai Japan which at the moment has been in the orders waiting now over 72 hours to be ordered. I do expect the item within a week. The CHECKBOX flags would be: * Items Expected to be Sold Out/Unavailable (within 6 hours.) * Items Expected to be Sold Out/Unavailable (within 12 hours.) * Items Expected to be Sold Out/Unavailable (within 24 hours.) * Items Expected to be Sold Out/Unavailable (within 72 hours.) The simple fact is its not just auction websites in which consumers face the fear of a limited time window for purchase. Obviously, you can charge a dollar or more for the priority window. I currently have an item that I have been waiting now over 72 hours to be purchased off of Bandai Premium Japan which a only sells made to order premium items with limited timed windows. The company is known for closing order windows early if an item sells too many items for it to be still a limited exclusive. So piece of mind knowing at very least, knowning that I can get priority for an item without it being on an auction site for a dollar in my mind would be worth it. Besides why are auction site purchasers always getting priority on the weekend when its common place for companies to launch new products on Fridays???


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