Hello Japan Rabbit, One of the largest issues that I have with your service is how you handle multiple item consolidations. We have to wait for the times to be in the mail box to request the consolidation and there's no way to auto-approve the PayPal charge. EXAMPLE: I am in North America so I will typically get an email while I am asleep here at like 3am (my time.) By the time I am awake, it's like midnight your time so you are closed. I send the request, which has to be approved so this is essentially another day lost. The purpose of ordering via you and not some company reselling the product is to get it faster... which doesn't happen when we have to go through this BS juggle. I want the ability to flag ORDERS that you are waiting on AND/OR in the mailbox to be immediately consolidated when they arrive so in the same work day on your end... my combind packages shipped. I just want to see the PayPal invoice was charged to my PayPal for whatever the final shipping amount (so obviously we would be picking courier method in advance.) I should be able to set things up with your service so that once you have it... you just get it immediately out to me and/or immediately consolidate orders for me without having to do more.